Benefits of Gamification in Marketing

In recent years, there is a concept that has started to appear frequently, especially in the world of marketing and advertising: gamification, aka “gamification“. It seems that this is a very attractive topic for both brands and their customers. So “What is gamification?” Let’s ask and examine the reasons why this subject is so popular.

What is Gamification?

Pleasure playing games is what people have in common. This activity, which we enjoyed when we were very young, includes fun, winning and joining a group. As the name suggests, gamification in marketing is a method based on these motivations of people. In its simplest definition, gamification means using game-playing mechanisms to increase interaction or activity at the points where you come into contact with your target audience.

Brands frequently make use of competitions, challenges and storytelling methods to gamify the user’s experience. In order to reinforce the sense of winning, he sets goals such as virtual and material awards, badges, and leaderboards at the end of these games. These methods have a positive effect on increasing both the purchasing preferences of the user and their activity in the aforementioned medium. That’s why gamification is a method that has been used frequently for a while, especially in e-commerce sites and exercise applications.

Why use gamification?

First of all, winning an award, even if it’s virtual, motivates most people. Therefore, gamification mechanisms are mechanisms that users can easily become a part of. When they’re in the game, the distance between your brand and your target audience is shortened a bit. Thus, gamification mechanisms make it easier for you to communicate with your target audience.

The fun side of playing games creates positive emotions in the user. The bond he establishes with you is now more than just a seller-consumer relationship. For this reason, gamification not only shortens the distance between you and your target audience, but also creates an emotional bond between you.

The reduced distance and emotional bond established help you generate leads. With gamification methods, you not only gain new customers/users, but also increase the loyalty and interest of your current customers. Moreover, a successful gamification application will be talked about among those involved in the same game after a while. That’s why gamification is also a way for brands to talk about themselves.

What should be considered in gamification?

There are some points to consider when implementing gamification mechanisms.

For example, think carefully about what you are going to give as a reward, whether it matches your insight into your target audience.

Whether it’s a financial gain or not in the end, the reward needs to be something that the user enjoys attaining.

Otherwise, he will lose interest in the game itself. Also, be careful not to turn the entire user experience into a game. At the end of the day, the user contacts you for a purpose.

Confusing him too much will negatively affect user activity.

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