Rank High on Google

Ranking high on Google is key to achieving online success with your business.

Why is it so important to rank high on Google?

Ranking high on Google is key to achieving online success with your business. Google is one of the most widely used search engines. So being Google ready is a must. Having your business ranked high can make a difference in the number of visitors to your site.

How can you rank high on Google?

Ranking higher on Google means optimizing your website as much as possible. In WordPress, you can get good results with SEO analysis tools that make it easy to optimize your web page.

First you need to search and find a suitable keyword. That is, a relevant keyword that is unique.

Second, you focus on internal and external links. With internal links you refer to other articles on your web page, and with external links you refer to pages outside of your website. External links can provide a higher ranking.

Next, we look at the key phrase. The keyword or keyword should appear in the introduction and also appear several times in the text. This is how you tell Google what your web page is about. In addition, the keyword should not be more than 4 words.

There are a few other things you should definitely not forget, such as the meta description, to make your optimization as complete as possible. The meta description tells us what the web page is about. Make sure the length of the meta description is correct and the key phrase is included here as well. By the way, do you include an image in the text of your website? Then make sure to enter the alt tag. The search engine software looks at your alt tag and ranks your image accordingly. With these tips in hand, you’ll rank higher on Google in no time.

Optimized Keywords

When you want to optimize keywords, you should first ask yourself what keywords your target audience uses to search for information. Searching and using these words enables optimization.

Here are some ways to find good keywords:

  1. If you use Google Ads, use Google Keyword Planner.
  1. Use a website that lists relevant keywords for your keyword. This way, you can get a lot of inspiration.
  1. Check Google Search Console to see which keywords found your site.
  2. You can work with programs like SE Ranking, SEMrush or Topvisor. With these programs, you can find ideas for related keywords.


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