Keyword Analysis

“Keyword” is an important part of your strategy.

What is keyword analysis?

With keyword analysis you will collect and analyze related keywords. “Keyword” is an important part of your strategy. It all starts with on-page optimization. 

This refers to the features of a web page that aim to increase its findability in search engines. 

As a website manager, you naturally want your website to rank high on Google. You need enough information to figure out which keywords are important to your company. 

Before you begin your research, it’s important to list a number of things first:

  • What is your target audience looking for?
  • Which keywords are associated with your company?
  • How do (future) customers define certain technical terms?

Long tail vs short tail

Have you ever heard of the terms long and short tail?

First, there are the short tail keywords. Short-tail keywords are frequently used and popular keywords. This means they have a lot of competition. These are words like bike, car.

You reduce the chances of competition with long-tail keywords because those keywords consist of more than 3 words. The use of long-tail words also leads to more conversions. You can be more creative with the content and have a better chance of persuading the visitor. From the short-tailed word “bike” we make a “pink women’s bike” that functions as a long-tailed word.

How do you do this analysis?

If you want to attract more visitors to your website, it’s important to research how your target audience is searching for content and what their intentions are. After all, you want to attract new customers with your website. The search engine brings the customer into contact with your company’s website. The success of keyword analysis does not depend on how popular a term is. It is the keywords that lead to conversions and leads and therefore make a difference.

Find the best keyword for your page in 5 steps:

  1. Start with an offline keyword analysis.
  2. Make a list of different keywords to find the most relevant ones.
  3. Check your search terms on Google and other search engines like Bing.
  4. Find which keywords are most important to you.
  5. Use free tools to get started with popular search terms.


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