SMA – Social Media Ads

Likes, shares, comments, followers are flying around you

Likes, shares, comments, followers are flying around you. If you can catch them fast too, you'll actually be fine! You do this through various social media platforms.

Depending on your company and your target audience, you will learn which channels you should focus on best. Each platform has a different approach and active target audience. But social media is accessible to everyone. Regardless of young or old, everyone can follow what is happening on the Internet and react to their heart’s content. This also means that social media is an excellent way to make your company, product or brand stand out.

In fact, you are close to your customers on social media just because it is such an interactive phenomenon. You reach them, but this is also the opposite. When they have questions or want to share their opinion about your product, you can do so easily via social media. It is a fast but also very volatile platform. When you share a message, it quickly reaches a large number of people. But it quickly disappears in the vast amount of online content. That’s why you should stand out with your message. Also, enough repetition of your message works wonders.

What are the most interesting social media channels for companies?

Are you choosing Facebook? Then you can choose your target audience and share both text and images. You work with a page that represents your company. You can also invest in Facebook ads.

Have you considered Instagram? Then you mainly focus on photos and stories or highlights.

What about LinkedIn? Then you mainly focus on business clients such as other companies or self-employed.

Don’t get too hung up on whether you like Elon Musk or not. Twitter is the center of creative texts and social intelligence!

Finally, there’s also the option to showcase your photos on Pinterest.

So there are lots of online options.

However, the link to the website should never be forgotten.


This is our thing!

Check out the strategic overview below that worked wonders for Google.

Magical, right?

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