
Strategic marketing plan at a glance

Online marketing, digital marketing or still internet marketing?

Is it exaggeration?

An effective online strategy is vital. Is this an exaggeration? No! Lots of people around the world are online on mobile. It also uses devices and services connected to the Internet for an average of 5 hours a day.

A little information: A day consists of 24 hours, of which we spend an average of 8 hours sleeping (you do the math).

How to start an effective online marketing strategy?

First, we need to know the online behavior of your target audience. In doing so, we provide you with a comprehensive analysis with all the details (you know, SOLID marketing).

We also want to know what your specific online goals are. More traffic to the website? More online sales? An explosion in likes on Facebook? You tell us, we’ll handle it!

We carefully map out each part of the marketing and communications plan. Then we enter the market with this strategy and shoot the main bullet.

So how do we start? Simply, in the beginning! 😉

Every measured data moves you forward!

Election stress: Which marketing channel should you choose?

Our recommendation; Don’t be too greedy. It is better to strategically use several online channels than to mix up all possible channels. SEA, SEO, marketing automation social media, email marketing, a website… are just a few of the many online possibilities. Of course, we will help you with our words and actions. Once we understand the target audience and the online goals are clear, we create the perfect mix of channels.

And then the real work begins! Once the selected channels are broadcast, we follow them all through the eyes of our excellent brand chemistry. Because online marketing is also a bit of trial and error method. We need to find out what works and what doesn’t, and make permanent adjustments.


This is our thing!

Check out the strategic overview below that worked wonders for Google.

Magical, right?

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