Global Marketing

Opportunities and potentials of crossing borders

Do you have a desire to offer your product or service from the territory of your country to the markets of other countries? Very nice! We believe that cross-border trade offers enormous opportunities and potential for companies.

Success beyond borders

There are cultural differences to consider. Do you speak the same or similar language? It is easy to assume that you can simply ‘copy paste’ your marketing strategies in the foreign market.

Nothing can be beyond the truth, are you using the wrong approach? Then you can get lost in a country you “think you know”. That’s why we’re here to help you!

Belgium and the Netherlands

Belgium has an attractive pond with lots of fish. The shape of the pond is different, just like the water and the fish you want to catch. There are enough opportunities to seize, as long as you know how to do it. In what direction and in what way are you taking steps within your organization? First, consider the way you communicate.

Belgians like to swindle, while Dutch say what they think directly and vice versa. Language and vocabulary are also interpreted differently. For example, in Belgium when talking about a driving test, in the Netherlands the term ‘driving’ is used.

Be in the right position when borders lose their meaning!

How should you market your product or service?

You should definitely not reinvent hot water, but you should refine it where necessary. While it may seem obvious, small highlights make a world of difference.

Are you ready to cross the border? We are happy to support you when needed!

Call us or drop by! To put it in Dutch, is it a nice chat? Your cup of coffee is ready!


This is our thing!

Check out the strategic overview below that worked wonders for Google.

Magical, right?

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