SEA – Google Ads

SEA is in our DNA! We create and optimize your campaigns on search engines

Does your website rank high in Google search results? You do this with a strong SEO or SEA. SEO=>SEA=>SE-what? Stop, stop. We will explain it to you in detail!

SEA: Ad space on Google

It’s all about money. If you invest money in an ad, we’re talking Search Engine Advertising, or SEA for short. In this case, your website will appear at the top when web users enter terms related to your product. In other words, you buy ad space on search engines to advertise online. One possible tool for this is Google Ads. You can recognize the ad from the ‘Ad’ tag. Awwahhh… Does this cost a lot of money? You will decide for yourself!

Search Engine Advertising is the first online advertising channel in terms of investment. It is very popular among advertisers as it is the most measurable and optimized channel. However, if you want to take full advantage of Google Ads (formerly AdWords), you must have the right strategy, a good understanding of how it works, and technical knowledge.

SEA Methodology

1. Understanding Your Business

We listen to you to understand your industry, objectives, market challenges, competitors and USP to create the most relevant SEA strategy.

2. Account Configuration

Based on the approved strategy, we have created a structure that guarantees the highest quality scores. We build your search campaigns with highly targeted keywords and audience strategies as well as ads integrating the latest best practices.

3. Optimization, Monitors and Automation

We implement customized optimization tactics to reduce your unnecessary expenses and increase your conversions. We specialize in automated bidding strategies and create scripts to help you take your campaigns to the next level.

4. Continuous Improvement

Our SEA consultants always focus on strategy and identifying business opportunities. Our relationship with search engines allows you to take advantage of the latest new features before others.

5. Monitoring and Reporting

Information gives you access to the best monitoring tools, with highly personalized data always updated in real time and always accessible. It is very important to talk to you regularly. At your facility, on video call or on the phone, we are in constant communication to guarantee perfect collaboration.


This is our thing!

Check out the strategic overview below that worked wonders for Google.

Magical, right?

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