PR – Public Relations

The ideal way to look at your company from a different perspective is to get to know your customers and employees thoroughly

Your company can catch the right fish with an excellent brand story, marketing strategy and communication tools. So what exactly is our area of expertise? Definitely, marketing and communication. Together, we are looking for that unique story from different perspectives. The ideal way to look at your company from a different perspective is through in-depth interviews. We meet with your customers and employees (including potentials) and get to know them from start to finish.


What is an in-depth interview?

The in-depth interview is a qualitative method used to fully reveal your company and identify underlying views, ideas and opinions. In this way we create an in-depth picture of vision, mission and method. We don’t ask standard yes/no questions to your customers and employees (including potentials), we deliberately explore the story behind their buying behavior and work experience. In the field or in the workshop, we interactively explore various thought processes to get to know your customer or employee (including potentials) down to the smallest detail. We build mutual trust through open and seamless communication.


How does an in-depth interview take place?

The interviewer and participant meet at a place of their choice. This is usually the workplace. We focus on a few predetermined questions, but at that moment we can dig deeper into some interesting aspects of the person’s story. The in-depth interview takes an average of one hour and is semi-structured. That is, the interviewer leaves the participant completely free to answer the questions.


What are the advantages of an in-depth interview?

Such an in-depth interview is interesting not only for the interviewer, but also for the participant! Because it takes place in a familiar place, he feels more comfortable. In addition, the interviewer has the opportunity to ask more questions about specific topics and delve deeper into a particular view, motivation or idea.


This is our thing!

Check out the strategic overview below that worked wonders for Google.

Magical, right?

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