Search Engine Optimisation

The most essential tool to be the seeker’s find

What is Search Engine Optimization?

Search engine optimization or Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a technique that makes your web page appear higher in organic search results. It is the results that as a company should be achieved without paying.

The higher the better profit

The higher you appear in the search engine, the more visitors you will attract. This is logical. Companies compete with each other for the best position. That’s why you should stand out with your SEO.

What does a good keyword mean?

First of all, you should think about keywords and which keywords you want to be found in the search result. Do you rent and/or sell an inflatable castle? Then it’s best to choose umbrella words like “bouncy castle for rent” or “boat for rent for birthday”. Match all these keywords and check them in Google keyword planner. Google will give you some suggestions and show the monthly number of searches for that keyword.

Four tips for search engine optimization:

1. Use and repeat specific keywords in the text

Of course, you shouldn't exaggerate either. Using your keyword 10 times in 300 words of text has the opposite effect. Use Google keyword planner to find out what keywords users are entering so you can optimize them.

2. Design your website well

How Does? Create your content well, use subheadings, repeat your keyword(s) in the first paragraph, and use internal and external links.

3. Make targeted landing pages per keyword

An important note: cover only one topic per page so that terms don't confuse in a chaotic way. On the other hand, using synonyms is great. Make sure the content consists of at least 350 relevant words. This gets a high score on Google so your page appears higher in the rankings organically.

4. Opt for targeted ads that reach your specific audience

Google Ads is a good tool to use for advertising.


This is our thing!

Check out the strategic overview below that worked wonders for Google.

Magical, right?

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