
Strategic marketing plan at a glance

Marketing strategy, communication strategy, strategic marketing or communication plan… They all have one thing in common. That’s the word “strategy”. As 79 Ratio, we are proud of the marketing strategies we have developed. No hocus pocus, but a substantiated plan to put your product or service firmly on the market. We therefore resolutely draw the card of solid marketing.

Pazarlama planı
neden gereklidir?

In short: a strategic marketing communication plan forms the solid basis for your company.

We know better than anyone that a product or service does not sell itself. A nice red bow as a wrapper might work for Christmas shopping, but it certainly won’t work for all year (too good to be true).

That’s why we first prepare a well thought out marketing strategy for your company. Ambitious but realistic. Applied and executable. And of course, we also like to be involved in your current marketing strategy and provide support as needed.

Creating a marketing plan

Such a strategy does not come about by saying 3 2 1 . A strategic marketing communications plan consists of three main pillars: Internal Analysis, External Analysis and of course Marketing Plan.

We carefully map out each part of the marketing and communications plan. Then we enter the market with this strategy and shoot the main bullet.

So how do we start? Simply, in the beginning! 😉

A marketing plan without a strategy is an illusion.

Creating a
Marketing Plan
in 3 Steps

We bring your company inside out.


During the internal analysis, we collect as much information about your company, your offer, your marketing approach, etc. as possible.

But how? We’re navigating the minds of a few key people in your company. No, it’s not a cross-examination, it’s an in-depth interview. The more we know, the better we can support the marketing plan.

Desk research is also part of the internal analysis. In this way, we obtain an objective picture of the internal organization and the pros and cons of the product or service.

We put the competition on the grid and take a closer look at the market.


What’s going on in the market of your company? We look at what is happening in the market and the industry.

Using a competitive analysis, we find out what marketing activities are going on. We learn how your targeted audience thinks and acts to know who you want to appeal to with your brand. Personas and the customer journey are prime here (Fancy word for business foundation).

We prepare a concrete plan, taking into account internal and external analysis.

Marketing plan: How do we catch the right fish?


We set some realistic goals for your company to precisely measure results. We achieve these goals by using different communication tools. First, we build a strong positioning. We complement this brand positioning with unique core values. Values that everyone in your company is proud to spread.

Then we move on to the message, because every bird sings like it sings. The message includes the USPs (Unique Selling Points) of your product or service, tone of voice, and brand story.

Also, clothes make a person beautiful. We make sure your brand has a beautiful appearance with an appropriate look and feel. The look reflects what your company stands for and evokes certain emotions in the customer. The fact that you only make an impression once and that is the first impression is not a myth.

According to the above information, we choose the most effective communication tools, both online and offline. We only recommend tools which can add value to your business. We have developed such perfect chemical mixture.


That's our thing!

Check out the perfect strategic overview below that worked for Google.

Magical, right?

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