Competition Analysis

How is your company doing in the market?

How is your company doing in the market? The best way to learn is to do market research using a market and competition analysis.

What is Competitive Analysis?

Competitive analysis mainly looks at the field in which a company operates. Specifically, you will take a closer look at various competitors for your company. Before analyzing the competition, it is important to define your own services and unique selling proposition (USP). This way, you make it clear what your company stands for. Do not look through the eyes of your company, put yourself in the consumer’s shoes. Why would a consumer buy from your company? What factors does the target group consider? What wins the customer in the end? These answers are the key to success. We do SWOT analysis within the scope of competitive analysis. Based on the SWOT analysis, you identify strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats for your company.



What is the company good at

What are your company’s strengths and where does it excel?



What is your company less good at?

What is the weak point and what do you definitely need to work on in the future? You should not forget this aspect, because it can cause your company to collapse without realizing it.



What opportunities are there for the company?

Both strengths and weaknesses are opportunities for further development. But innovations that competitors may already be working on also offer many possibilities.



What threats are there to the company?

These can be associated with your company’s weaknesses as well as with competition. The content of things that threaten the organization or growth of your company should be watched with the precision of a chemist!


This is our thing!

Check out the strategic overview below that worked wonders for Google.

Magical, right?

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