Content Strategy

When it comes to appealing to your target audience, you can only do this with strong content.

When it comes to appealing to your target audience, you can only do this with strong content. You have to excite them, engage them, but also inspire them. With the right content strategy and a solid dose of enthusiasm, it becomes child's play!

What is content strategy?

It is a strategic roadmap where you analyze and identify a lot of information. For example, you determine the purpose of your content, who the target audience is, how you will reach that audience, and then how to measure the effects of your strategic setup.

Do research on your customers’ needs. What do they need? How can you mobilize them? Answer these questions with your content. For example, provide useful information and useful solutions. Highlight your company’s strengths and create added value for the customer.

Have you created a good strategy? Then you can focus on content marketing. You will apply this to promote your content. Attracting the right people at the right time is the goal. Therefore, increasing visibility is an important aspect of content marketing.

Some search engine optimization tips:

1. Use and repeat specific keywords in the text.

To find these specific keywords, check what words users are using as search terms in Google Keyword Planner.

2. Establish a solid structure of your website.

But how? Create your content well, use subheadings, repeat your keywords in the first paragraph, and use internal and external links.

3. Make targeted landing pages for each keyword.

Avoid confusing terms by only mentioning one topic per page. On the other hand, it is best to use synonyms.

4. Make sure the content consists of at least 350 relevant words.

This gets a high score on Google and causes your page to rank higher organically.

5. Choose targeted ads that reach your specific audience.

For example, Google Ads is a capable tool that can be used for advertising.


This is our thing!

Check out the strategic overview below that worked wonders for Google.

Magical, right?

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