Corporate Identity

Create a visual image that sets you apart from your competitors

To attract attention, to stand out and above all to be recognizable. You do this with a unique master style. This is a strategy to create a coherent identity across different aspects of the business. In this way, you create a visual image that sets you apart from your competitors.

What is corporate identity?

Corporate style is not just your company’s logo, it manifests itself from various angles. This also includes color, font, photo selection, layout, etc. also applies to So everything that has to do with the outward appearance of your brand. It is important that you choose a specific view that is associated with your company. Is it recognizable, detailed, consistent, and both online and offline? You did a good job!

The first step in creating a corporate identity is to design a logo. A logo should be simple, instantly recognizable and evocative of the product or service. When your logo is seen, it should immediately resonate with your target audience. Think McDonalds’ iconic M or Nike’s ‘swoosh’. The company name doesn’t even need to be there to know which product or brand it is.

The second step is to choose a color for your brand. Which color suits your product and supports your story and philosophy. You can choose one or more colors, but beware! Less is more, so be careful not to be chaotic. These colors can be found on your website, newsletter, mailings, company apparel, business cards, pens, and other merchandise. With this color, choose a font that is clear and calming and can be identified with.

Tutarlılık çok önemlidir! Çalışanlarınız da bu konuda çok önemli bir rol oynar. Örneğin, kurumsal kimliğiniz her türlü medya kanallarında aynı olmalıdır. Çalışanlarınız sorumluluğu paylaşır ve seçilen kurumsal kimliğin her yerde aynı şekilde uygulanmasını sağlar. Bu şekilde tutarlı bir hikaye anlatır ve güçlü, profesyonel bir izlenim bırakırsınız.


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Check out the strategic overview below that worked wonders for Google.

Magical, right?

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