
t is that single frame that will represent your brand and you will hit your target audience with twelve

Branding is not just about logo, colors and fonts. Your visual identity is actually made up of many different elements, including photography. But what is brand photography, why is it important, and how can you get it for your own brand?

What is brand photography?

Brand photography is a suite of professional images that visually represent your business and match your visual identity through the use of colour, tone, decor, set and more. These may include photos of you, your team, products, process, space, and other things that make your business unique. Maybe you’ve taken a branded headshot for your LinkedIn profile or website’s about page before, and while a nice, professional headshot is important, it’s only one piece of the branding puzzle. To make your business look its best, you’ll want a set of consistent, well-crafted photos that will make your business look its best in all of your marketing materials over time.

Paragraphs of sentences in a single frame

Brand management is a process that needs to be followed continuously as well as challenging. We are passionate about that frame that will glorify your brand, hit your target audience in the heart, and instantly remember the message you want to convey.

Because of this passion, we go through a very detailed process that pushes the limits of art to reach that perfect frame.

Why is brand photography important?

Brand photography makes your brand more relevant and human

When you and/or your team are visible in your marketing process, potential customers will be able to see who they're working with, take a look at the process, and imagine themselves as part of the experience. as something tangible, attainable, and desirable.

Brand photography makes a great first impression

People make a first impression in just 50 milliseconds. That's why everything you share should arouse admiration and do it quickly! Quality, consistent, professional brand photography will help you capture potential customers in a flash, as they'll see you appreciate the attention to detail, high-quality content, consistency, and great aesthetics. will be. I know that when something is presented well, I am mostly convinced anyway, without knowing anything about the product or service!

Brand photography drives interest

We all know by now that visual content has come a long way and has much better interaction than pure text content. If you're not convinced yet, here are some cold hard facts. 65% of marketing managers say photos, videos, illustrations and infographics are key to communicating your brand story. Brands' Facebook posts with images earned 87 percent of all interactions. 51% of B2B marketers prioritize creating visual assets as part of their content marketing strategy. Tweets with pictures get 150% more retweets than tweets without pictures. Articles with an image every 75-100 words are shared on social media twice as much as articles with fewer images. Facebook posts with pictures get 2.3 times more engagement than posts without pictures.

Consistency matters, and photography increases brand consistency

Your logo, colors and fonts can be matched. But if your photo doesn't match, you're in trouble. Having all of your visual elements working together harmoniously is vital to maintaining brand consistency. Brands that are presented consistently are 3 to 4 times more likely to experience brand visibility, and 90% of consumers say their experience is all used to interact with brands. expects it to be consistent across channels and devices.


This is our thing!

Check out the strategic overview below that worked wonders for Google.

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