Customer Relations

Attracting customers’ attention is the first step. Holding them and not letting them go is another story.

Engaging customers is the first step, but retaining them and not letting them go in the long run is another story. Establishing reliable customer relationships is the most solid starting point for this.

What exactly does such a customer relationship entail?

The sentence says it all: It’s all about your relationship with your customer. Both with existing customers and potential new customers. You keep in touch with that person and follow him. You listen to them when they have a question or want to share their ideas. It is important that you focus on the details while doing this. Approach your customers in a relevant and personal way and add value to your relationship.

Build customer loyalty, because a loyal customer is a returning customer. Moreover, these customers are walking billboards. They are very happy to share their positive product or service experiences with those around them. Building relationships with stakeholders such as suppliers and employees is of course also necessary. They keep your business running and therefore need to be well-maintained and well-maintained. Listen to their feedback and make your employees feel like they have an important role in your company and helped build the success story.

Collect the data of all these stakeholders in a database that you can easily refer to when sending a mail online or offline. It is important that you regularly check or even double-check all this data. Do these customers still live at that address, are they still married, is the correct gender specified? Nothing can be more annoying than sending an e-mail to “Mr. Dilek”. Managing such a database is also known as Customer Relationship Management (CRM). It’s a strategy, but it’s also a software tool.

Get to know your customers! What are they interested in? What media channels do they use? These contribute to managing your customers’ perspective on you. Do they reach you as a result of a long-term emotional construction? Then they will be more positive towards your company.


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