
This is the ideal way to find out who your customer is. They are examples of different types of customers.

Who is that special fish you want to hook up with? Imagine a detailed picture of it. In this way, it will be easier for you to search for fish. Therefore, develop personas and purposefully respond to their needs and wants.

What is Persona?

This is the ideal way to find out who your customer is. Personas are examples of different types of customers. By painting a specific portrait of these individuals, we uncover in-depth knowledge of a specific target group. In order to best respond to the needs of the target audience, we look at the product from the perspective of the customer. In this way, we make the organization more customer-oriented.

We only create one person per target group. That person represents the entire group. We build it in as much detail as possible and this person tells us how the people in the group lived.

There are two types of personality. For example, there is a buyer persona selection. This is an ideal customer model that makes online marketing and sales work more effectively. The second option is the character of the persona. This character is the user’s description of a product or service. So it’s not necessarily about the customer of the product. Each persona consists of a name, professional and personal background, demographics, goals, concerns, environment, quote, and a photo.

Going through the customer journey to create personas as effectively as possible is an interesting experience. These are the different stages that the customer goes through before and after purchasing the product. What do they see (see), what do they think (think), and what do they do (don’t)? The better all your interactions are, the better you can respond to the target audience through company communication channels, the more optimal the customer relationship will be. There are two types of journeys: the buyer journey (everything up to and including the purchase) and the customer journey (everything after the purchase). During the buyer journey, the customer recognizes your product, considers purchasing, and finally makes the purchase. It holds your product throughout the customer journey. Keeping track of how the customer experiences your product is important to your company. This is a key step in drawing conclusions that support customer loyalty.


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